effective surface applied solutions from your full service provider

Innovated to protect your wood and your reputation - from forest to final destination

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Why should you worry about mold?

You can’t control what happens to your wood once it leaves your location. Even though wood appears clean when it is stacked in packs, mold and stain fungi can attack where moisture is present, creating unsightly lumber discolorations that result in customer complaints and loss of value.

You can’t control what happens to your wood once it leaves your location. Even though wood appears clean when it is stacked in packs, mold and stain fungi can attack where moisture is present, creating unsightly lumber discolorations that result in customer complaints and loss of value.

You can’t control what happens to your wood once it leaves your location. Even though wood appears clean when it is stacked in packs, mold and stain fungi can attack where moisture is present, creating unsightly lumber discolorations that result in customer complaints and loss of value.

The Solution Starts with Us!

We offer innovative technologies and engineering solutions that result in clean, bright wood. Anti-sapstains from Arxada are used throughout the North American sawmill industry to protect billions of feet of green and kiln-dried lumber against mold and sapstain each year. These specialized chemistries also preserve material value for a wide variety of timber and engineered wood products such as log homes, trusses, utility poles, LVL and CLT. Anti-sapstains from Arxada are manufactured at multiple sites across North America and are factory-applied via dip or spray under controlled conditions to protect 100% of the wood surface.

  • Focus

    we provide the highest quality anti sapstain products along with the best application solutions for your site

  • Service

    we strive to keep treatment costs affordable by providing guidance on usage and performance

  • R&D

    we focus on product development with regulated chemistries that have a proven track record

  • Quality

    we analyze thousands of wood samples a year to ensure that treated wood production meets your specifications

Data Sheet

  • AntiBlu® Renovare

    Thumbnail of AntiBlu Renovare PDF
  • AntiBlu® XP64

    Thumbnail of AntiBlu XP64 PDF
  • AntiBlu® M3

    Thumbnail of AntiBlu® M3 PDF
  • AntiBlu® Mycostat BX2

    Thumbnail of AntiBlu® Mycostat BX2 PDF
  • AntiBlu® Brightener 25/75

    Thumbnail of AntiBlu® Brightener 25/75 PDF